Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python

Emotions & relationship problems

Hypnotherapy center specializing in the management of emotions and relationship problems using hypnosis: toxic bonds, toxic relationships, family difficulties, past hurts, grief, letting go, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python


Hypnotherapy center specializing in birth preparation with hypnosis: calm, relaxation, confidence, breathing, autonomy, pain management, fear management, phobias, fear of hospitals, fear of white coats, fear of needles, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Anxiety Disorders, Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Anxiety Disorders, Hypnosis Gilles A. Python


Hypnotherapy center specializing in phobia management with hypnosis: arachnophobia, acrophobia, claustrophobia, agoraphobia, aerophobia, emetophobia, belonephobia, neophobia, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Appointments can be made online or by telephone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python


Hypnotherapy center specializing in the treatment of self-esteem with hypnosis: self-esteem, self-confidence, self-acceptance, imposter syndrome, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python

Sleep disorders

Hypnotherapy center specializing in the treatment of sleep disorders with hypnosis: insomnia, nightmares, night terrors, enuresis, bruxism, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python

Weight management

Hypnotherapy center specializing in weight management with hypnosis: overweight, obesity, healthy weight, eating disorders, food urges, sugar cravings, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python

Sport & performance

Hypnotherapy center specialized in sports coaching with hypnosis: motivation, coscentration, evolution, high-level sports, sports performance, life coach, personal coach. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python

Stress & Burn-out prevention

Hypnotherapy center specialized in stress management and burn-out prevention with hypnosis: stress, anxiety, anxiety disorders, burn-out symptoms, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Appointments can be made online or by telephone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python

Pain management

Hypnotherapy center specializing in pain management with hypnosis: chronic pain, acute pain, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python

Stop Smoking

Hypnotherapy center specializing in smoking cessation with hypnosis: stop smoking, addiction management, weight stabilization, stress management, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python


Hypnotherapy center specializing in migraine management with hypnosis: pain management, relaxation, diagnostic acceptance, stress management, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python

Children & Teens

Hypnotherapy center specialized in helping children and teenagers with hypnosis: sleep disorders, eating disorders, fears, phobias, enuresis, school phobia, school anxiety disorder, relationship disorders, risk behaviors, exam concentration, emotion management, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python


Hypnotherapy center specializing in relaxation with hypnosis: hypno-relaxation, deep relaxation, letting go, sleep relaxation, deep relaxation, mindfulness, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by telephone.

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Anxiety Disorders, Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Anxiety Disorders, Hypnosis Gilles A. Python

Peur de parler en public

Hypnotherapy center specialized in fear of public speaking with hypnosis: anxiety management, stress management, glossophobia, fear of public speaking, anxiety and phobia of public speaking, stress management during oral exams, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python

Concentration & Exams

Hypnotherapy center specializing in exam preparation with hypnosis: concentration, stress management, anxiety management, performance enhancement, self-confidence, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python

Female sexual disorders

Hypnotherapy center specialized in the management of female sexual disorders with hypnosis: vaginitis, libido disorder, sexual desire disorder, orgasmic disorder, genital-pelvic pain, fear of penetration, sexual dysfunction, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python

Male sexual disorders

Hypnotherapy center specializing in the management of male sexual disorders with hypnosis: premature ejaculation, inability to ejaculate, pain during intercourse, erection problems, breakdowns, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Hypnotherapy center specializing in the management of obsessive-compulsive disorders with hypnosis: repetitive, irrational, irrepressible behaviors, hand-washing, checking toc, tidying up in a precise order, counting, silent repetition, intrusive thoughts, recurrent, inappropriate and disturbing ideas or images, management of distress and anxiety, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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Hypnosis Gilles A. Python Hypnosis Gilles A. Python


Hypnotherapy center specialized in the treatment of bruxism with hypnosis: teeth grinding, teeth clenching, night-time stress, tension, jaw muscle and joint pain, inflammation centered on the jaw muscles, premature wear of teeth, enamel, pulp and dentin, risk of teeth loosening, dental fractures, hypersensitivity of teeth to hot and cold, and to acidic foods, headaches, etc. Our hypnotherapists are available for your hypnosis session in Lausanne, Fribourg and Geneva. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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