Laurent Trincat
As a Coach and Practitioner in Elmanian Hypnosis, with a Master's degree in Training & Performance and long experience as asports trainer, Laurent Trincat today accompanies athletes, managers and trainers in their quest for performance.
Hypnosis & Coaching: Focus areas
My journey
The adventure linked to the quest for performance began for me over 20 years ago. What could be easier than approaching the world of sport for this purpose? Sport is a means of expression where we can try out and test performance routines at every moment to become better than the day before.
Initially, I turned to the "technical" aspects of sports, physiology and physical preparation. All these subjects are essential and enable great progress to be made. Despite numerous successes and qualified and medal-winning athletes at international championships (Europe and the world), I knew deep down that it wasn't in these areas that I should continue to invest my efforts if I really wanted to take coaching to the next level.
Since 2016, I've focused all my thinking on mental preparation. I set up a personal approach before embarking on academic training courses referenced in the field - including hypnosis. In 2020-2021, I was lucky enough to take part as a coach in the Tokyo Olympic Games with Swiss Aquatics and follow the athletes through to the final. This step triggered in me the desire to follow other populations too - the corporate world.
Today, I'm ready to accompany you, to coach you so that you reach your high level of sporting or personal practice. My coaching respects the code of ethics in force in the profession, and can be carried out in the office (MHP center) or in the field.
Coaching and mental preparation for athletes, musicians and artists
You're committed to a sport in search of progress in terms of performance. However, as you've no doubt already noticed, spending many hours training "technique" or "physical condition" isn't enough. It's essential to add mental training.
This will enable you to optimize or definitively unlock your potential. Mental preparation consists of regular training to
Understand each other better
Unblocking situations
Better define your goals
Improve return to training after injury (through motor representation)
in particular)
Building resilience
Learn to better manage emotions and stress
Don't hesitate to contact me and together we'll find your best path to performance.
Coaching and support for executives, coaches and managers
An executive or manager often experiences the same difficulties as a top-level athlete. The only difference is that his or her body is less likely to be used to achieve the performance... The mental aspect, the Mindset and WELL-BEING are crucial to success! Together, we can create your performance routines to manage your deadlines and associated stress, your public speaking, your energy... and many other areas.
If you're a trainer, you occupy a key position in your organization and you're at the crossroads of all kinds of tensions: liaison with management, with federations, with athletes, with colleagues... It's important to have self-management tools at your disposal, so that you're always fully available for your professional and personal missions.
Curriculum vitae & training
Advanced training in Elmanian hypnosis, mhp | hypnosis - Elmanian hypnosis training school :
Sport & Hypnosis
Hypnosis: Advanced techniques
Children & Hypnosis
Solution-oriented brief therapy interview
National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) Certified Hypnotherapist
Ericksonian hypnosis training, ARCHE Geneva (in progress)
OMNI Certified Hypnotherapist - Marta Hegyaljai Python, mhp | hypnosis - OMNI Hypnosis Training Center® Switzerland & France.
Master's degree in training and performance, University of Lausanne.
Diplôme Universitaire de préparateur mental, intervention et aide à la performance - University of Clermont Auvergne (France).
Certified Action|Types© practitioner with Bertrand Théraulaz.
An approach that uses motor preferences to promote the harmonious development of each human being's unique identity.
Swiss Olympic coach, certified "gold trainer" by Swiss Aquatics.
Youth and Sport Expert - J+S Switzerland.
Federal diploma in triathlon coaching.