Eloïse Zbinden


My approach

Master Hypnosis Practitioner, graduate of the OMNI® International School of Hypnosis (NGH-OHTC affiliate), ASCA-accredited therapist and Mindfulness Educator.

I will accompany and support you in a global and integrative approach, with understanding and kindness, to bring you rapid and concrete solutions, using brief, gentle but effective therapies.

My work focuses on a variety of themes, but my life path has given me in-depth knowledge of chronic pain and illness, migraines and tension headaches, chronic fatigue (burn-out, depressive states), anxiety disorders (phobias, stress, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, OCD...) and neuroatypical profiles (ASD, ADHD, DYS, HPI...).

I also particularly enjoy working with children and teenagers, whatever their issues.

My philosophy

I'm committed to using all my experience to guide you in regaining control of yourself, discovering your own resources and reconnecting with your abilities to help you overcome life's difficulties and discomforts.

Curriculum vitae & training

  • Diploma of Master Practitioner in Elmanian Hypnosis, mhp | hypnosis - Elmanian hypnosis training school.

  • Advanced training in Elmanian hypnosis, mhp | hypnosis - Elmanian hypnosis training school :

    • Sport & Hypnosis

    • Children & Hypnosis

    • Solution-oriented brief therapy interview

    • Hypnosis: Advanced Techniques

    • Anxiety Disorders & Hypnosis

    • Addictions & Hypnosis

    • Diseases & Hypnosis

  • National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) Certified Hypnotherapist

  • OMNI® Certified Hypnotherapist - Marta Hegyaljai Python, mhp | hypnosis - OMNI Hypnosis Training Center® Switzerland & France.

  • Elmanian hypnosis workshops - mhp | hypnosis - Elmanian hypnosis training school:

    • Chronic pain

    • NLP Essentials for Hypnotherapists

    • Essential oils, acupressure & hypnosis

    • Sexuality & libido

  • Academic Medicine 1st cycle - Anatomy Physiology Pathology, Ecole de Santé de Suisse Romande - Geneva, GE

  • Moderator "Autisme au féminin" discussion group, Association Autisme Genève

  • Cardiac Coherence Coach, Hearthmath Europe

  • Mindfulness Educator®, The CPD Certification Service

  • Aromatouch Technique® Practitioner, dōTERRA

  • Access Bars® Practitioner, Access Consciousness

  • 5 Continents® Massage Practitioner, M5C Federation

  • Transcendental meditation, David Lynch Foundation

  • Aromatherapy - Module 1 and 2 - USHA VEDA School, Switzerland

  • Nursery assistant, Projuventute Switzerland

  • Brevet d'État d'Éducateur Sportif 1er degré en équitation, spe. Jumping


Marta Hegyaljai Python


Pierre-André Grognuz