
  • We accept cash, card (all credit and debit cards) and TWINT.

    Payment by invoice is possible in certain cases, by agreement with your therapist.

  • You can cancel or modify your appointment yourself by clicking on the "Cancel / Modify" button at the bottom of the confirmation e-mail.

  • You can cancel or change your appointment free of charge more than 24 hours in advance. More information in our cancellation policy.


  • Recognized as a complementary form of therapy, hypnosis is increasingly integrated into patient care in Switzerland. However, insurance coverage of this therapy can raise questions. This article aims to clarify the coverage of hypnosis under tariff 590 by complementary insurance companies, and to explain the difference between the Swiss Health Insurance Act (KVG/LAMal) and the Swiss Insurance Contract Act (VVG/LCA) in terms of healthcare coverage.

    What is Tariff 590?
    Tariff 590 is a tariff system used by complementary medicine therapists in Switzerland to bill for their services. This system standardizes services and facilitates the management of reimbursements by complementary insurance companies.

    The difference between the KVG and the VVG
    The main difference between the Health Insurance Act (KVG) and the Insurance Contract Act (VVG) lies in the type of coverage they offer:

    - LAMal: LAMal covers basic health care for all Swiss residents. Treatments must be recognized as effective, appropriate and economical. Complementary therapies such as hypnosis are generally not covered by the LAMal, with very specific exceptions.

    - LCA: This governs supplementary insurances, which provide cover for services not included in the LAMal, such as certain forms of alternative or complementary medicine, including hypnosis. Coverage conditions vary from contract to contract and from insurer to insurer.

    Coverage of hypnosis by supplementary insurance
    Under tariff 590, coverage of hypnosis as a complementary therapy depends on a number of factors:

    - Therapist accreditation: Therapists must be accredited by recognized organizations (e.g. ASCA or RME) for their services to be reimbursed.

    - Insurance conditions: Supplementary insurance policies vary, so it's essential to check the specific conditions of coverage for hypnosis. Some policies may impose annual limits, deductibles, or require a medical referral.

    - Therapeutic indications: Treatment may also depend on the reason for consultation. Certain indications, such as stress management, smoking cessation or support in the treatment of chronic illnesses, are more frequently covered.

    For patients interested in hypnotherapy under tariff 590, it is recommended to:

    - Check the therapist's accreditation to ensure that he or she is recognized by complementary insurance companies.

    - Consult the conditions of your complementary insurance to understand the specific coverage linked to hypnosis.

    - Consult a physician beforehand if necessary, as required by their insurance policy.

    Hypnosis is covered as a complementary therapy in Switzerland under certain conditions, mainly through supplementary insurance under tariff 590. It is crucial to check with your insurance company and choose an accredited therapist to benefit from this coverage.

  • The number of sessions varies according to the problem to be addressed. Generally speaking, between 2 and 5 sessions are required.

    From the very first session, you can expect enormous progress. Depending on the subject and the client's preconditions, a single session may sometimes be enough to achieve satisfactory results. But it can also take longer.

  • As a general rule, a first session proceeds as follows:

    • Preliminary interview and case history

    • Defining objectives and expectations

    • Induction and deepening of hypnosis / hypnotherapy

    • Discussion and Feedback

    An initial session lasts between 1.5 and 2.5 hours.

  • Yes, our therapists can work in collaboration with your medical or therapeutic team. However, we ask you to inform your psychiatrist/psychotherapist of your approach.

  • Not specifically. To avoid diminishing the effect of hypnosis and preventing emotional work, it is preferable to abstain from alcohol, narcotics, sedatives and sleeping pills before the hypnosis session.

  • Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness (ASC), like trance, dreaming or meditation, in which the conscious mind is withdrawn and the subconscious comes to the fore. This is, of course, a simplified explanation of the hypnotic phenomenon, which is the result of complex processes in the brain.

    The hypnotic state is a natural state that we experience on a daily basis without even noticing it or identifying it as such. This trance-like state is akin to complete absorption in a book, film, music or even one's own thoughts, or simply a period of intense concentration. The notion of time escapes us, and the mind is either focused on one thought or completely free to let its imagination run wild.

    Hypnosis, or hypnotic trance, can be induced by yourself or by someone who acts as your guide: your hypnosis practitioner. Hypnotherapy is therefore guided hypnosis.

  • You lie back relaxed in a comfortable armchair with your eyes closed. The hypnotist will speak to you in a calm voice, helping you to relax. Through certain speech patterns, your therapist will guide you, if you wish, into that altered state of consciousness of deep but concentrated relaxation that is hypnotic trance.

    In this state, you hear the hypnotist's voice clearly and distinctly, and can even speak. Your rational, analytical mind now takes a short break, and your subconscious mind and senses are all the more attentive. In this state, you can probe and dissolve rigid patterns of behavior, beliefs, blocks and fears. You decide what you wish to express, and whether you are ready for change through self-healing.

  • Yes, everyone has the ability to enter hypnosis, since hypnosis is a natural state of altered consciousness. To find out more, read our article"Am I hypnotizable?"

  • No one can be hypnotized without their will. Instant hypnosis or stage hypnosis only works if you allow it and are willing to be guided by the hypnotist.

  • No. At no time are you without willpower or can you be manipulated against your will. Your subconscious is protected against suggestions that contradict your moral principles. You remain in control at all times.

  • No one gets "stuck" in hypnosis. Even without the hypnotist's help, you'll come out of deep relaxation after a while.

  • Yes, numerous studies have demonstrated that hypnotic suggestion leads to neuronal responses. These can be seen in positron emission tomography (PET) scans.

  • Hypnotherapy can be used to treat anxiety, phobias, smoking cessation, sexual dysfunction, unwanted spontaneous behavior and bad habits. It can be used to improve sleep, learning disabilities, communication and relationship problems.

    Hypnotherapy can help manage pain and resolve medical problems such as digestive disorders, skin problems and the gastrointestinal side effects of pregnancy and chemotherapy. It can also be used by dentists to help patients control their fears, or to treat teeth grinding and other oral conditions.

    Read more


  • Your supplementary insurance (ASCA / APTN) may cover all or part of the cost of your massage or lymphatic drainage.

    Please check with your supplementary insurance company for reimbursement conditions.

    At the end of your massage, we will send you an invoice in accordance with Tarif590, which you will have to send to your insurance company.

  • Absolutely, our massages in Lausanne are available Monday-Friday 08:00-20:00, Saturday 08:00-17:00, and Sunday by appointment.

  • Would you like to offer a moment of relaxation to a loved one? Discover our gift vouchers in our online store.

  • If you're not sure which massage to choose, simply select the desired duration and our massage therapists will tailor the treatment to your needs.

    Of course, you can also contact us, and we'll be happy to answer your questions.

  • Our massages & lymphatic drainages in Lausanne are priced at:

    • 60 minutes | CHF 120.00

    • 90 minutes | CHF 180.00