Jeremy Hamel

Jeremy is a Master Hypnosis Practitioner based in Lausanne. Explore his unique approach and expertise to unlock your inner potential and transform your life.

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My journey

I've always been convinced that everyone has the power to change their lives, so I set out to deepen my knowledge in the field of personal development and coaching.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Interaction Coaching and finallyTherapeutic Hypnosis have enabled me toexplore the incredible potential that lies hidden within each individual.

Yes, I firmly believe that everyone has the power to change their lives. And I'm here to support and guide everyone on their journey to discover their own inner strengths and capacities, to change behaviors, remove blockages and unconscious patterns, and achieve harmony between body, mind and emotions.

For me, it's the key to a happy, fulfilled life.

My philosophy

If you really want it, anything can happen. The only obstacle is yourself. But if you really want to make your dreams come true, anything is possible.

"For every problem there is a solution. If there is no solution then there is no problem."

Curriculum vitae & training

  • Diploma of Master Practitioner in Elmanian Therapeutic Hypnosis - Marta Hegyaljai Python, mhp | hypnosis

    • Continuing education: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Interview, Hypnosis: Advanced Techniques, Sport & Hypnosis, Children & Hypnosis, Addictions & Hypnosis, Diseases & Hypnosis, Anxiety Disorders & Hypnosis

  • NLP Practitioner - School of NLP, Lausanne

  • Interactional Coaching© Practitioner - School of NLP, Lausanne

  • OMNI Certified Hypnotherapist - Marta Hegyaljai Python, mhp | hypnosis - OMNI Hypnosis Training Center® Switzerland & France .


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