Frédéric Wigger


My journey

I've always been passionate about the intellectual, emotional and behavioral development of human beings. Active for over 15 years in management and executive positions ranging from recruitment to sales strategy within Geneva-based SMEs, I have taken great pleasure in developing my career within the Geneva economic fabric. Deeply human-oriented, a good teacher and a good listener by nature, I've had the chance to discover a wide range of functions and support my colleagues in their development.

After more than 30 years of a sustained and dynamic career, I suffered from burnout, which led me to discover the benefits of hypnotherapy. A true revelation that turned into a magnificent adventure to discover the incredible potential of the subconscious. Numerous training courses on development and well-being, such as stress management, laughter yoga, conflict management and, of course, hypnosis, have enriched my career.

I now work as an independent hypnotherapist and welcome you to the mhp | centrum for Elmanian hypnosis sessions. My specialties: stress management, insomnia, self-confidence, traumatic injuries, mental preparation for sports, weight and pain management.

My philosophy

I place great importance on empathy and listening to others, which for me are the foundations of successful coaching. My philosophy is to see each person as an enigma, to discover with them where they are at and to accompany them at their own pace towards the desired change.

Curriculum vitae & training

  • Master Hypnosis Practitioner Diploma - Marta Hegyaljai Python, mhp | hypnosis

  • Advanced training in Elmanian hypnosis, mhp | hypnosis - Elmanian hypnosis training school :

    • Sport & Hypnosis

    • Children & Hypnosis

    • Hypnosis: Advanced Techniques

  • National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) Certified Hypnotherapist

  • International Board of Hypnosis Education & Certification (IBHEC)

  • OMNI Certified Hypnotherapist - Marta Hegyaljai Python, mhp | hypnosis - OMNI Hypnosis Training Center® Switzerland & France.

  • Laughter yoga instructor - Dr Madan Kataria's method.

  • Honorary Chairman and member of the Groupement des Jeunes Dirigeants d'entreprises for over 10 years.

  • Effective leadership training from manager to coach leader - door training Switzerland.

  • ESPACE ENTREPRISE: Centre de formation professionnelle à la pratique commerciale rattaché au DIP: Substitute trainer: Supervision and training of apprentices.

  • AFA Federal diploma as a specialist in personal, asset and social insurance for private individuals and companies.

  • Brevet Technicien du Tourisme - France.


Aurélie Renié


Roberto Pino