Nina Schipoff
Physioswiss-certified physiotherapist, Master Hypnosis Practitioner, Sofocay-certified Sophrologist and WingWave® Coach, Nina Schipoff is an ASCA-certified therapist specializing in stress management, anxiety disorders,insomnia and pain management for adults and children.
E-mail +41 78 314 54 41 | Site | vCard
Languages: French, English & German
Preferred areas
My journey
Physiotherapist accredited by PhysioSwiss for over 20 years, Master Practitioner in Elmanian Hypnosis, ASCA-accredited Sophrologist , Wingwave® Coach, I offer you a tailor-made approach based on a multi-disciplinary approach.
After many years in various hospital departments at the CHUV and the Klinik Sankt Anna in Lucerne, followed by a post-graduate certificate in the United States at Kaiser Permanente (Vallejo CA), I am enriching my experience with children and adults as an independent physiotherapist in practice, in Switzerland and abroad.
My professional and personal experiences have taught me that our physical and mental health are closely linked.
That's why I turned to Sophrology and Hypnosis, which are now an integral part of my therapeutic tools.
Hypnosis, in particular, never ceases to amaze me with its effectiveness.
It enables you to reconnect with your resources, remobilize your abilities and regain control of your life.
My philosophy
Listening to and working with the other person and all the richness of his or her unique personal history has always been at the heart of my holistic approach to helping you find solutions.
If you want to change your life and discover your potential, I'd be delighted to support you with empathy and all my professional knowledge, life experience and skills as a mother of two.
Stress and anxiety management, insomnia and pain management for children and adults are my specialties.
Hypnosis is a simple, practical and rapid tool that enables you to find solutions, regain your autonomy and reclaim your life at your own pace.
Curriculum vitae & training
Master Practitioner in Therapeutic Hypnosis, mhp | hypnosis (Marta Hegyaljai Python)
NLP, NLP Essentials Workshop for Hypnotherapists 1 & 2,
mhp | hypnosisRapid and Instant Inductions Training, Omni Hypnosis Zurich
Neuromuscular Testing, Advanced Workshop, mhp | hypnosis
Chronic Pain & Hypnosis, Omega Mind Concepts & mhp | hypnosis - Elmanian hypnosis training school (CH)
Advanced training in Elmanian hypnosis, mhp | hypnosis - training school in Elmanian hypnosis (CH) :
Addictions & hypnosis
Children and Hypnosis
Sport and Hypnosis
Hypnosis: Advanced techniques
Solution-oriented brief therapy interview
Anxiety Disorders & Hypnosis
Diseases & Hypnosis
Training: Schmerz Therapie, Akademie Hockenholz (REHAstudy Zurzach, CH, Akademie Bad Saeckingen, DE)
Forum autour du Rachis - HUG, Geneva (CH)
Liebscher & Bracht SCHMERZTHERAPIE - Singen DE
The HypnoKids® Method, OMNI - Effretikon, CH
Der Hypnotische Werkzeugkasten 1 - SIMH, Basel, CH
Co-Assistance wingwave® - Coach
Cognitive functional approach for managing disabling Low Back Pain - HUG, Geneva (CH)
wingwave® Coach Certificate
Instant & Rapid Hypnosis - Atlantic Hypnosis Institut
Yoga for fascia - Akademie Hockenholz, REHAstudy, Zurzach, CH
Yager-Code - DIKH, Magdeburg, DE
Certificate: Hypno-therapy, Hypno-analysis NGH certified - DIKH, Magdeburg, DE
NGH Certified Hypno-Coach - TLC, Darmstadt, DE
Rapid Hypnosis, NGH certified - TLC, Darmstadt, DE
Certificate: Sophrologie médicale ASCA - CSF en Sophrologie Caycedienne, Lausanne
PILATES training - Heds-Geneva, CH
NLP and Coaching - Brief'R Formations, Grand-Lancy, CH
Self-hypnosis - Collège Romand de PNL, Morges, CH
Post-graduate diploma Ecole de Décor de Théâtre de Genève
Certificat de Formation pour l'enseignement artistique, mention HTA - HEAD, Geneva
HEA Federal Diploma in Visual Arts - HEAD, Geneva
Certificate: Les Chaines Musculaires selon Busquet - Dijon (FR), Yverdon (CH)
PNF post-graduate studies (Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Vallejo, CA, US)
Heilprakter ISSTA, UEHP (Geneva, CH, Saarbrücken, D)
Certificate: AMT/DSOMT Manual Therapist (Zurich, CH, Mainz, D)