Alexandre Guilmard


My journey

A former senior executive and entrepreneur, with a Master's degree in Political Science, I've been working for the past ten years with all those who aspire to change, both in their personal lives and in institutional settings.

Coach, trainer, self-defense instructor, horseback riding teacher and hypnotherapist, I developed a method of coaching through a relationship with the horse under the name Equipartners, and pioneered Horse Coaching in Geneva.

Today, I mainly use the two tools that my experience has shown me to be the most powerful for bringing about change: Hypnosis and Horse Coaching.

In hypnosis, I am a qualified practitioner of two approaches: Ericksonian hypnosis with ARCHE Paris and Elmanian hypnosis with MHP Hypnose - OMNI Hypnosis Training Center. I work in my Geneva practice and in Lausanne at the Centre de Thérapies Contemporaines mhp Centrum, as well as at the Centre Hippique de La Chaumaz for Horse Coaching.

Often, we want to change something in our lives, such as freeing ourselves from a behavior we keep repeating, or a blockage that's preventing you from living the life you want to live. If you're ready to free yourself and take the next step in your life, don't hesitate to contact me.

Curriculum vitae & training

  • OMNI Certified Instructor Certificate - OMNI Hypnosis Training Center Int.

  • General Secretary of AHH - Association Hypnose Humanitaire.

  • Master Hypnosis Practitioner Diploma - Marta Hegyaljai Python, mhp | hypnosis

    • Continuing education: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Interview, Hypnosis: Advanced Techniques, Sport & Hypnosis, Children & Hypnosis, Addictions & Hypnosis, Diseases & Hypnosis, Anxiety Disorders & Hypnosis

  • OMNI Certified Hypnotherapist - Marta Hegyaljai Python, mhp | hypnosis - OMNI Hypnosis Training Center® Switzerland & France.

  • Ericksonian Hypnosis Practitioner - ARCHE Paris

  • NGH Certified Hypnotherapist - National Guild of Hypnotists (USA)

  • Diploma International Board of Hypnosis Education & Certification (IBHEC)

  • RITMO® (Retreatment of Traumatic Information through Eye Movement) - Paris

  • Conversational hypnosis - ARCHE Paris

  • Riding instructor - French Riding Federation

  • Self-defense instructor - Mastro Défence System - Belgium

  • Master in Political Science - University of Geneva

Trauma & violence

After a traumatic experience, there's often fear, anxiety, insomnia, shame and guilt. Self-loathing and its consequences. And then a blocked life, paralyzed by the fear of it happening again.

In the case of harassment, whether sexual or moral, the blockage also sets in. Fear of moving, of reacting, of making things worse, of being punished even though you're the victim. 

Getting out of it means getting back on your feet. And on your feet.

For many years now, I've been working with women and men who, at some point in their lives, have been confronted with violence. They may be victims for an evening or a lifetime, witnesses or professionals (humanitarian, security, military, etc.) for whom exposure is a daily occurrence. 

To be accompanied is to nurture each step that enables you to get up and move forward. To get your life back.

Stress, insomnia, self-confidence

Stress is a natural reaction of our system to cope with situations. It's a mechanism essential to our survival. 

But in excess, it becomes counterproductive and even pathogenic. These include sleep disorders, anxiety, panic attacks, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. 

Reducing stress and allowing the body to recover is essential for good health and a harmonious life. It also means being able to react effectively to events such as an interview or exam.  

Mental preparation for athletes and managers

If the body and technique are trained, so too is the mind, which implements them. At high level, this is what makes all the difference. When emotions get involved and doubts arise, the gesture becomes imprecise, energy levels drop and so does performance. 

Finding the "state of flow", that moment when everything flows naturally, when every parameter is at its right level and the path is clear for optimal performance, is the aim of mental preparation. It also means leaving behind fears, blockages and patterns.

The greatest leaders have always been able to convey a vision, generate enthusiasm around a project, and make people happy to give their best. 

Learn how to change codes, how to dispense with the power of constraint to motivate and inspire. Increase your credibility, discover how to instill confidence and security, transmit a vision and rally people around you so that they want to follow you to the ends of the earth.

Weight and eating disorders

A problematic relationship with food and/or weight can greatly benefit from the effectiveness of hypnosis. In fact, this is one of the most frequent requests made to hypnotherapists.

Our relationship with food is largely emotional. Whether we're talking about anorexia, bulimia, hyperphagia or compulsions, the origins and triggers lie in the unconscious. Hypnosis enables us to act directly on both the origin and the triggers, and to modify the behaviors associated with them. A compulsion, moreover, is like a "trance". Here too, it's a question of using the brain the way it works naturally.


Eloïse Zbinden


Nina Schipoff