Stop Smoking

With a total and lasting abstinence rate of up to 80%, the effectiveness of hypnosis in helping people to stop smoking is well established.

Nevertheless, most people expect hypnosis to be some kind of quick magic intervention, and believe that success depends on the power of hypnosis. This, of course, is not the case. The quality of the smoker's motivation and collaboration is of significant importance in ensuring lasting abstinence. The person must not only want to stop smoking, but also be willing to accept and accept the changes in behavior, attitudes and individual life situations that result from giving up cigarettes.

We'll support you through these changes and help you regain a sustainable life balance without nicotine , while avoiding undesirable effects such as weight gain, nervousness and insomnia.

Table of contents

    Package & procedure

    • CHF 580 | 3-4 sessions

    We don't offer a one-off quit-smoking session, but rather support throughout the entire cessation process, which greatly increases your chances of remaining a non-smoker for the long term. The program consists of 3-4 sessions over several months.

    • First session - 120min
      During the first session, your therapist will ask you to place the CHF 580 in cash on the table. Together, you'll establish whether you have sufficient personal motivation to quit smoking for good. If you decide that the time has not yet come and you do not wish to continue the program, you pay for the first session only. If you decide that the time has come to become a non-smoker again, the hypnotherapist will continue with a hypnosis session, after which you will stop smoking.

    • Second session - 60min | 3-7 days later
      Getting rid of an addiction has consequences for your habits, your routine, your behavior, your body and even your identity. The aim of this session is to support you in this process, as well as to help you manage the potential immediate side-effects of smoking cessation, such as weight gain, nervousness, insomnia, etc. It reinforces the suggestions and helps you to feel better. It reinforces your suggestions and will help you to better manage your daily life during this period.

    • Third session - 60min | 3-4 weeks later
      Withdrawal symptoms can occur even without a strong urge to smoke. For example, being in a bad or depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, insomnia or weight gain are classic smoking withdrawal symptoms that can occur weeks or even months after you've smoked your last cigarette. During this session, the hypnotherapist will help you manage these unwanted effects.

    • Fourth session - 60min | 6-8 weeks later
      If you feel the need, this session is available to increase your self-confidence or work on other effects that may be appearing.

    Why 3-4 sessions?

    You'll quit smoking after one session. Quitting smoking isn't difficult, it's staying smoke-free that is. After a session, you'll probably stop smoking, but you won't usually have the means to remain a non-smoker for long. Getting rid of an addiction has consequences for your habits, your rituals, your behaviors, your body and even your identity. You'll naturally replace the cigarette habit with something else, most often food, but it can also be other harmful habits.

    We can support you through these changes and help you find a lasting balance without nicotine .

    Success rates

    Generally speaking, the efficacy of hypnosis for smoking cessation is empirically well documented and scientifically proven. After 3 to 4 sessions, we see total and lasting abstinence in between 72% and 80% of cases, depending on the therapist.

    A recent study by the Eberhard Karl University in Tübingen(Revensdorf, 2006) found an abstinence rate of 66.3% three months and 58.1% twelve months after 2 hypnosis sessions, compared with 27.3% and 22.6% respectively for the control group.

    In 2007, an American study showed that hypnosis was 3 times more effective than the patch for quitting smoking(American College of Chest Physicians, 2007).

    Benefits of quitting smoking

    It's never too late to stop smoking, and this period of cessation is called "smoking cessation". Whatever your age, if you make the decision to stop, your health will benefit. However, the sooner you stop, the faster your body will recover, and the lower your risk of developing serious health problems.

    There are many benefits to quitting smoking, from spending less money and energy to improving your physical appearance. Some of the benefits of quitting smoking include:

    • More energy
      As carbon monoxide affects the amount of oxygen your blood can carry, the body may find it difficult to function properly. When a person stops smoking, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood decreases. This allows the lungs and muscles to function as they should. It also means that more oxygen can reach the brain, increasing alertness and energy.

    • Improved immune system
      Smoking reduces the immune system. This makes the body more vulnerable to colds and flu. Quitting smoking helps the immune system to stay healthy.

    • Longer life expectancy
      If a person stops smoking before the age of 30, their life expectancy can increase by 10 years. Even if a smoker is 60, quitting can add another three years to his or her life.

    • Breathe better
      In the nine months following quitting, lung capacity is said to increase by 10%. This enables the body to perform daily tasks without loss of breath. The "smoker's cough" should also disappear, and any difficult respiratory conditions, such as asthma, should be reduced.

    • Less stress
      Many smokers reach for a cigarette when they find themselves in a stressful situation. The immediate effect of nicotine after withdrawal may relax them, but in the long term, smoking increases stress levels.

    • Younger-looking skin
      Smoking prematurely ages the skin. Regular smoking can make skin dull, dry and prone to wrinkles. When a person decides to stop smoking, the effect is reversed, as the skin begins to receive all the nutrients it needs. Over time, the appearance of the skin can improve. 

    • More money
      The average cost of a pack of 20 cigarettes in Switzerland is CHF8.10. If a person smokes 20 cigarettes a day for 10 years, they will have spent over CHF30,000. Quitting smoking could make you nearly CHF250 richer every month.

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