Stop Smoking
Have you decided to quit smoking for good? With a total and lasting success rate of up to 80%, the effectiveness of hypnosis for quitting smoking has been proven.
By establishing a dialogue with your subconscious, that part of you where automatic habits and behaviors are anchored, hypnosis enables you to quickly and easily modify mental associations linked to smoking. This technique changes the perception of the need to smoke and strengthens the will and intention to quit.
We support you through these changes and help you to rediscover a sustainable life balance without nicotine and without the undesirable effects that may be associated with quitting smoking: weight gain, nervousness, bad moods, insomnia...
Table of contents
Program & proceedings
CHF 580 | 3-4 sessions
We don't offer a one-off stop-smoking session.
We offer you 3-4 sessions over several months. This active follow-up, throughout your withdrawal, greatly increases your chances of success and guarantees you 100% personalized support.
First session - 120min
> DETERMINING An anamnesis with your Hypnotherapist will enable you to determine together whether your personal motivation and intention are strong enough to quit smoking for good.
If so, you will begin your support immediately, and will be asked to pay the full price of the STOP TOBACCO program (CHF 580) in cash at the start of the session. This financial commitment is recognized as an effective motivational booster, and represents only a few months' smoking.
If you decide that the time has not yet come for youto quit and you do not wish to continue with the program for the time being, you will only pay for the first session (CHF 240).
This first session also enables you to put in place concrete tools to support the start of your withdrawal.Second session - 60min | 3-7 days later
>STRENGTHEN This second session aims to consolidate your intention and get rid of any resistance. Freeing yourself from an addiction has consequences for your habits, your routine, your behavior, your body and even your identity. The aim of this session is to support you in this process, to reinforce your suggestions and to help you better manage your daily life during this period.Third session - 60min | 3-4 weeks later
>LOCKING OUT Withdrawal symptoms can be experienced even without a strong urge to smoke. For example, being in a bad or depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, insomnia or weight gain are classic smoking withdrawal symptoms that can occur after smoking your last cigarette. During this session, your Hypnotherapist will help you manage these possible side effects, and lock in your new non-smoking reality.Fourth session - 60min | 6-8 weeks later
>ASSURER If you feel the need, this session is available to increase your self-confidence or work on other effects that may arise.
Why 3-4 sessions?
Quitting smoking is easy! We'll work together to help you stay smoke-free.
After one session, you'll probably quit smoking, but you may not yet have the means to stay smoke-free for good. Getting rid of an addiction can have consequences for your habits, rituals, behaviours, body and even your identity.
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms tend to be most intense in the first 2 to 3 days without tobacco, before gradually disappearing over 2 to 4 weeks.
Hypnosis will enable you to replace this bad habit with another, better one for you. It may take some time for the new habit to take hold. Hypnosis plays with the neuroplasticity of your brain, which has the marvelous ability to create new neuronal connections at any time.
We can support you through these changes and help you find a lasting balance without nicotine.
Success rates
Generally speaking, the efficacy of hypnosis for smoking cessation is empirically well documented and scientifically proven. After 3 to 4 sessions, we observe total and lasting abstinence in between 72% and 80% of cases.
A recent study by the Eberhard Karl University in Tübingen(Revensdorf, 2006) found an abstinence rate of 66.3% three months and 58.1% twelve months after 2 hypnosis sessions, compared with 27.3% and 22.6% respectively for the control group.
In 2007, an American study showed that hypnosis was 3 times more effective than the patch for quitting smoking(American College of Chest Physicians, 2007).
Benefits of quitting smoking
It's never too late to quit smoking!
Whatever your age, if you make the decision to quit, your health will benefit. However, the sooner you stop, the faster your body will recover, and the lower your risk of developing serious health problems.
The benefits in your body when you stop smoking:
20 minutes: blood pressure and heartbeat, which were altered with each cigarette smoked, are no longer disturbed.
8hours: the quantity of carbon monoxide in the blood is halved and cell oxygenation returns to normal.
24 hours: carbon monoxide is eliminated from the blood
72 hours: breathing becomes easier.
4 days: all traces of nicotine have disappeared from the blood and organs.
2weeks: the risk of heart attack has begun to diminish, as coagulation has returned to normal.
3 months: coughing and fatigue diminish.
And in the long term:
More energy
As carbon monoxide affects the amount of oxygen your blood can carry, the body may find it difficult to function properly. When a person stops smoking, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood decreases. This allows the lungs and muscles to function as they should. It also means that more oxygen can reach the brain, increasing alertness and energy.Less stress
Many smokers reach for a cigarette when they find themselves in a stressful situation. The immediate effect of nicotine after withdrawal may relax them, but in the medium term, smoking increases stress levels.More freedom
Free yourself from the slavery of smoking and rediscover the freedom of being a non-smoker. Live your life without running to the tobacco shop late at night, or spending hours in the cold, rain or in smoking areas in stations and airports. The laws banning smoking in public places around the world will no longer have any impact on you, and you'll even be able to enjoy them for your own comfort.A better immune system
Smoking reduces the immune system. This makes the body more vulnerable to viruses, infections and chronic diseases. Quitting smoking helps the immune system to stay healthy.Longer life expectancy
Half of regular smokers die prematurely, and half of these premature deaths occur before the age of 70. The average life expectancy of a regular smoker is ten years less than that of a non-smoker.Reduced risk of cancer
Quitting smoking prevents further DNA damage and can even help repair damage already caused. Quitting smoking immediately is the best way to reduce your risk of cancer. The best known is lung cancer, 80-90% of cases of which are linked to active smoking. But other cancers are also caused by tobacco: throat, mouth, lips, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, uterus...Better breathing
COPD, an irreversible disease caused mainly by smoking. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease causes progressive narrowing of the airways. It affects the bronchi and alveoli. When you stop smoking, your blood circulation and lung function are restored. Coughing and shortness of breath diminish. Bronchial cilia regrow and perform their protective function.Cholesterol reduction
Quitting smoking won't make existing fatty deposits disappear. But it will lower the levels of cholesterol and fats circulating in your blood, which will help slow the accumulation of new fatty deposits in your arteries.Improved sense of taste and smell
Smoking reduces olfactory sensitivity and recognition. Tar and other chemicals present in cigarette smoke attack the mucous membranes of the nose. The precious sensory cells of the sense of smell are embedded in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Tobacco alters taste perception by acting peripherally on taste bud cells, but also centrally on the brain.Better smells in your life
Breath, hands and fingers, hair, clothes, car, home... The smell of cigarette smoke, hot or cold, is actually very unpleasant and persistent. Rediscover the pleasure of clean, fresh smells by giving up smoking.A better example for your children
50% is the probability that children of smoking parents become smokers between the ages of 11 and 14, compared with 8% with non-smoking parents. Quitting smoking is also the best way to protect your children (and even your pets) from passive smoking.Better fertility
If you're a woman, your estrogen levels will gradually return to normal after you stop smoking. And if you hope to have children one day, quitting smoking now will increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy in the future.Better erectile function
If you're a man, quitting smoking will reduce your risk of erectile dysfunction and improve your chances of a healthy sex life.A healthier pregnancy
Smoking is extremely harmful to pregnant women and their unborn children. The harmful substances present in tobacco, such as nicotine, lead, hydrogen cyanide, cadmium, mercury, carbon monoxide and other chemicals, are toxic, carcinogenic and very dangerous.
Carbon monoxide (CO) replaces oxygen in the mother's blood, resulting in a lack of oxygen for the baby. The concentration of CO is 2 to 2.4 times higher in the baby than in the mother. Newborns of smoking mothers are often lighter at birth, which represents a major risk. If you stop smoking before or during the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk of having a low-birth-weight baby decreases to that of non-smokers.Better breastfeeding
Nicotine in breast milk can cause irritability, nausea and vomiting, abnormal blood pressure and heart rate, and abdominal pain. What's more, nicotine gives breast milk a pronounced taste, which can be unpleasant and make the baby less inclined to suckle.Better oral health
Tobacco is the cause of many dental problems: nicotine-stained teeth, irreversible loosening of your teeth, gum disease, delayed healing during oral surgery, reduced chances of successful treatment, tooth loss... Quitting smoking will give you a healthy mouth and a radiant smile.Younger-looking skin
Smoking prematurely ages the skin. Regular smoking can make skin dull, dry and prone to wrinkles. When a person decides to stop smoking, the effect is reversed, as the skin begins to receive all the nutrients it needs. Over time, the appearance of the skin can improve.Savings
The average cost of a pack of cigarettes in Switzerland is CHF 4.80. Smoking 20 cigarettes a day for 10 years will cost you over CHF 30,000. Quitting smoking can make you almost CHF 250 richer every month. A precious budget you can use for your well-being: leisure activities, family outings, travel...