News & media

Hypnosis for the Coronavirus
The RTS program Le forum des idées discusses the Telehypnosis platform set up by mhp | centrum and Marta Hegyaljai Python, which has brought together some 50 Hypnosis practitioners throughout French-speaking Switzerland. The surprising benefits of remote HypnoMeditation in times of pandemic. A natural method that combines the benefits of two mental relaxation techniques: hypnosis and meditation. Thanks to hypnosis, you quickly enter a state of peaceful tranquility, enabling you to fully integrate the suggestions of mindfulness meditation. A natural and highly effective technique for restoring well-being and morale!

A shrink at the end of the screen
Article by Emilie Veillon in LeTemps about the Telehypnosis platform set up by mhp | centrum and Marta Hegyaljai Python, which brought together some 50 Hypnosis practitioners from all over French-speaking Switzerland. The surprising benefits of remote HypnoMeditation in times of pandemic. A natural method that combines the benefits of two mental relaxation techniques: hypnosis and meditation. Thanks to hypnosis, you quickly enter a state of peaceful tranquility, enabling you to fully integrate the suggestions of mindfulness meditation. A natural and highly effective technique for restoring well-being and morale!

Soothing Covid-19 anxiety with hypnosis
A Léman Bleu program about the Telehypnosis platform set up by mhp | centrum and Marta Hegyaljai Python, which has brought together some 50 Hypnosis practitioners from all over French-speaking Switzerland. The surprising benefits of remote HypnoMeditation in times of pandemic. A natural method that combines the benefits of two mental relaxation techniques: hypnosis and meditation. Thanks to hypnosis, you quickly enter a state of peaceful tranquility, enabling you to fully integrate the suggestions of mindfulness meditation. A natural and highly effective technique for restoring well-being and morale!

The wellness market adapts to the Coronavirus crisis
Article written by Laure Wagner and published in Le Bilan about the Telehypnosis platform set up by mhp | centrum and Marta Hegyaljai Python, which brought together some 50 Hypnosis practitioners from all over French-speaking Switzerland. The surprising benefits of remote HypnoMeditation in times of pandemic. A natural method that combines the benefits of two mental relaxation techniques: hypnosis and meditation. Thanks to hypnosis, you quickly enter a state of peaceful tranquility, enabling you to fully integrate the suggestions of mindfulness meditation. A natural and highly effective technique for restoring well-being and morale!

Hypnotherapy to help shut-ins
A group of therapists in French-speaking Switzerland is offering online consultations to support the population during the coronavirus pandemic.

Telehypnosis to support people in difficulty
A Radio Lac program about the Telehypnosis platform set up by mhp | centrum and Marta Hegyaljai Python, which has brought together some 50 Hypnosis practitioners from all over French-speaking Switzerland. The surprising benefits of remote HypnoMeditation in times of pandemic. A natural method that combines the benefits of two mental relaxation techniques: hypnosis and meditation. Thanks to hypnosis, you quickly enter a state of peaceful tranquility, enabling you to fully integrate the suggestions of mindfulness meditation. A natural and highly effective technique for restoring well-being and morale!

7 good reasons to hire a coach
Are you at a point in your life where you're having trouble getting out of a difficult situation? Do you have the impression that you're stuck at the same stage without finding the keys to move forward? Whether in our personal or professional lives, we are all sometimes faced with blockages that prevent us from moving forward as we would like. A coach can be just the person you need to help you overcome or deflect certain difficulties by drawing on your own resources. If you're still in doubt, here are seven good reasons to call on the services of a coaching specialist.

Can I be hypnotized?
To answer this question, which many of you are asking, we first need to understand the very definition of hypnosis: hypnosis is a natural state of altered consciousness, just like dreaming or trance.

Therapeutic hypnosis: What is it?
Hypnosis is a modified state of consciousness, a state of calm and relaxation in which the electrical frequency of brain waves is slowed down. Certain areas of the brain, different from the waking state, are activated, while other areas are more at rest. This highly pleasant state enables us to enter into communication with the subconscious, which is then highly receptive, in order to mobilize internal resources and carry out the reprogramming necessary for better overall functioning and well-being.