Can I be hypnotized?
To answer this question, which many of you are asking, we first need to understand the very definition of hypnosis: hypnosis is a natural altered state of consciousness (ASC), just like dreaming or trance.
Have you ever been so absorbed in a task - for example, reading a book, watching a film, doing an exercise or taking an exam - that you lost track of time? Well, you were in a state of hypnosis at the time.
According to philosopher and therapist Nicole Prieur, "hypnosis is an old human story. It corresponds to an episode of dissociation of consciousness that we all go through more or less at some point during the day". On the basis of this observation, it's fair to say that everyone is hypnotizable, i.e. that everyone possesses the ability to enter hypnosis. Marta Hegyaljai Python, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and director of the mhp | hypnosis training school, has seen this first-hand in her 20 years of practice. According to her, "as with everything else in life, getting into hypnosis is a learning process. Even if some people initially find it easier than others to reach this altered state of consciousness, it's accessible to everyone."
The really variable element is the time needed to reach this state of hypnosis and the degree of hypnotic trance intensity. A person has to want to be hypnotized, let go and concentrate. Even if, to date, there is no proven correlation between personality structure and suggestibility, we now know that certain elements can prevent hypnotic trance: a consultation against one's will, a preconceived notion of the practice of hypnosis, fear of loss of control, a consultation in a trance state linked to intoxication (alcohol, drugs, etc.), psychological resistance or too strong a desire to be hypnotized.
Here are a few tips from Laurence Gremaud Martin, Master Hypnosis Practitioner and hypnotherapist at mhp | centrum, on how to best prepare for a hypnosis session:
About a week before the hypnosis session, set yourself the strong intention of bringing to the surface everything that is relevant to achieving your goal, in a pleasant and positive way.
Think about what you'd like to improve in your life and write it down to read over again before coming to the session. This will help you keep your goals in mind.
It's also important not to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.