A hypnosis center has opened in Eaux-Vives.

A first in Geneva! After Lausanne and Fribourg, mhp centrum has opened a practice in Geneva dedicated to hypnosis therapy.

Marta Hegyaljai Python, former ICRC executive, psychotherapist, Elmanian hypnosis instructor and founder of mhp | centrum and mhp | hypnosis.

Following in the footsteps of Lausanne and Fribourg, in May mhp centrum opened a center for complementary therapies specializing in hypnosis in the Eaux-Vives district of Geneva. 

"Our centers aim to offer both clients and therapists an environment, infrastructure and support that ensure the best possible care. We promote hypnosis as a simple, fast and effective personal development tool", says Marta Hegyaljai Python, founder of mhp centrum, in a press release.

The center boasts a "multidisciplinary team of practitioners with varied backgrounds. The company also boasts an EduQua-certified therapeutic and medical hypnosis school, which, according to the mhp press release, is recognized by numerous organizations in Switzerland and France.

Read the full article on the Tribune de Genève website


Article written by Olivier Bot for the Tribune de Genève of 31.05.2022 about the opening of our new contemporary therapy center specializing in hypnosis.


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